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Thailand | Chiang Mai
11Soziale Arbeit

Volunteer with elephants in Thailand


ab 1 Wochen

ab 15 Jahren

auf Anfrage

Erforsche das Verhalten von Elefanten

Travel to Chiang Mai and campaign for elephants who have been laid off from working in the tourism industry. Support the organization in their rehabilitation and return to their natural environment. You will also work with mahouts and other locals to create alternative livelihoods for them. During your free time, you can discover the unique culture of the Karen community and the lush mountain forests of Northern Thailand.

Work in the mountain forests of northern Thailand and experience a semi-wild herd of elephants up close. These gentle giants, who left their lives in the tourism industry, now reside in Chiang Mai province. Here you will live and work alongside the Karen community, known for their unique (and sacred) relationship with their elephants.

Volunteers will be able to study the behavior of the elephants closely as they observe them alongside the mahouts (traditional elephant guides). You can learn a lot from them because they can draw on knowledge about elephants that has grown over several generations. You will participate in treks in Chiang Mai's forests and collect data on elephant behavior, such as the interaction between elephants and their mahouts. Health checks are also carried out on the elephants during the trek to look for physical signs of health problems.


Learn about elephant history, behavior, training, biology, social interactions and more.

You have the incredible opportunity to see the elephants in their natural habitat.

Learn about elephants from the local Karen community who have been working with elephants for centuries.

Typischer Tag

Volunteering is Monday through Friday. Elephant walks take place every day and last between 3 and 7 hours depending on the season. Data on elephant behavior is collected during migrations. Instead of the elephant walk, volunteers can also participate in biodiversity walks and collect data on birds in the area, take insect samples, and also participate in night walks and medicinal walks depending on the season. These activities mostly take place in the morning until early afternoon.

In the afternoons, volunteers and interns are encouraged to get involved in community work as well. For example, English is taught two days a week at the local primary school and you can get involved with your host family by teaching English to the mahouts and women's groups. Finally, interns and volunteers receive lectures on a wide range of topics such as elephant biology, ethical elephant tourism, biodiversity in the region and the culture of the villagers throughout their project duration.

Collect data during elephant migrations.

Participation in biodiversity hikes, night hikes, medicinal hikes, etc.

Teach at the local primary school twice a week.


There is often free time to relax in the afternoon, giving the volunteers the opportunity read a book, relax and enjoy the view! We encourage volunteers to be proactive about getting involved with the community by learning the language, teaching English and joining their families in the fields. 

We also now include cultural/local experiences. These experiences will take place once every 4 weeks.

These activities may include: 

  • Learn traditional Karen cooking 
  • Connect with the Karen people's culture
  • Forage for forest medicine with a village elder
  • Visit Thailand's highest peak
  • Explore Thailand's elegant and mysterious waterfalls
  • See amazing biodiversity on a night trek
  • Take a sunrise hike up Two Tree Hill
  • Sleep under the stars alongside Asian elephants 



Du lernst das Leben der Einheimischen kennen, da du in einer Gastfamilie lebst und so in die Kultur der Karen eintauchen kannst. Jeder Freiwillige hat sein eigenes Zimmer oder seine eigene Hütte. Das Frühstück nimmst du in der Basis vor den morgendlichen Wanderungen ein, und Mittag- und Abendessen gibt es als hausgemachte Mahlzeiten, die von deiner Gastfamilie zubereitet werden.













Safe für deine Wertsachen


Vor der Abreise

Support & advice for all logistical inquiries.

Information on applying for a police clearance certificate.

Advice on visa regulations of the country.

Establishing contact with the Chiang Mai base

Vor Ort

Introductory event

24-hour on-site support

Airport pick up

Necessary project equipment and materials

Project training by experienced staff

Accommodation & meals during the project

24-hour emergency phone


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